Katie Aafjes-van Doorn, DClinPsy, MSc
Assessment Director
Katie received a Master’s in Clinical Psychology, from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, a Masters in Psychological Research, as well as a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Oxford, UK. She is a Visiting Associate Professor, and the Head of Social Science, at New York University's Shanghai Campus, and an Associate Professor at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, New York.
Katie is passionate about computational psychotherapy research and training. Her research interest is in the therapeutic relationship as well as its potential moderators and mediators of change. She is applying innovative methods of process codings of videos and transcripts, and outcome measurements in her research. Katie has published several empirical papers, co-authored an introductory book on clinical psychology, and chapters on process-outcome research. She is the Associate Editor for the journal Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice. To unwind from work, she enjoys getting messy with her toddler and getting some fresh air during runs in Central Park.